----------------------------- 2013-04-12 New stable release: 6.x-1.14 ----------------------------- [#1908980] by wwalc: Moono should be set as the default skin on install. [#1961596] by jcisio: Added 'feature_source()' option so that ckeditor_profile() component is visible in drush. [#1959754] by wwalc: CKFinder is not installed correctly - improve information in the status report [#1898642] by Elaman, bahaik: Fixed warning: file_get_contents()(./sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/ckeditor.js?I) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream [#1829574] by bdlangton: Fixed Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in ckeditor_user_delegate(). [#1885952] by michal_cksource: Fix HTML validation for iframe in profile configuration. [#1885940] by michal_cksource: Disable div based editor on default ----------------------------- 2012-12-22 New stable release: 6.x-1.13 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: [#1870288] by dczepierga: Disable plugins which not exists and are stored in ckeditor profiles [#1866704] by dczepierga: Remove "Skin" and "Toolbar state on startup" options from user profile [#1866708] by dczepierga: Set default theme if selected not exists ----------------------------- 2012-12-12 New stable release: 6.x-1.12 ----------------------------- New features: [#1858882] by dczepierga: Add option to enable/disable aggregate ckeditor.js script [#1851606] by dczepierga: Add support for CKEditor v4 [#1514376] by dczepierga: Change ckeditor xss url to be passed through url() Bug fixes: [#1862820] by ceng: CKEditor features are not reverted or applied from the command line [#1857920] by dczepierga: Using extraPlugins config option in Custom JavaScript (Advanced options) does not work [#1663462] by dczepierga: Destroys existing instance when trying to replace it [#1216096] by michal_cksource: Fix description to "Custom JavaScript configuration" option [#1594382] by kmcnamee: Wrong instructions for configuring CKFinder [#1397812] by dczepierga: External plugins not working in ckeditor_basic.js loading method [#1398910] by dczepierga: Trying to get property of non-object when editing user with no access or profile ----------------------------- 2012-03-30 New stable release: 6.x-1.11 ----------------------------- New features: [#1489366] by dczepierga: Add support for the Stylesheet Parser plugin Bug fixes: [#1436432] by dczepierga: Problems with the simplified toolbar configuration in the Global profile [#1497184] by dczepierga: Style changes lost after saving [#1507362] by kevin.dutra: Path to CKFinder can be constructed improperly [#1506080] by dczepierga: Refactor code with titles and descriptions now available for translation [#1496162] by michal_cksource: Buttons are too high when using the drag & drop feature in Firefox [#1491884] by dczepierga: Portuguese language missing [#1482874] by dczepierga: Body field is blank [#1491462] by kevin.dutra: All filters applied in ckeditor_filter_xss() instead of just selected ones ----------------------------- 2012-03-15 New stable release: 6.x-1.10 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: [#1483508] by dczepierga: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing ----------------------------- 2012-03-14 New stable release: 6.x-1.9 ----------------------------- New features: [#1347994] by dczepierga: Add an option to disable the toolbar wizard [#1349332] by dczepierga: Add a configuration option to set the CKFinder library path Bug fixes: [#1345742] by michal_cksource: Included JavaScript files for the toolbar drag & drop wizard should be minified [#1376276] by dczepierga: CKEditor is blank if reopened in a pop-up window [#1363224] by michal_cksource: CKEditor appears despite a global exclude on the field [#1365510] by jlea9378: CKFinder requirement check needs fixing [#1361894] by dczepierga: Double scrollbar on drop-down menus in IE [#1357050] by dczepierga: Invalid attribute "disc-type" in ckeditor.css [#1350474] by dczepierga: CKEditor plugins added with the "hook_ckeditor_plugin" button do not appear in the toolbar [#1350386] by michal_cksource: Improve regex pattern to find plugins for CKEditor [#1349308] by michal_cksource: Change description in CKEditor help page [#1343314] by michal_cksource: Change settings for private download [#1348194] by michal_cksource: Change of the default path for CKFinder settings [#1346820] by michal_cksource: Change of Full toolbar buttons [#1345788] by michal_cksource: Remove redundant Drupal Page Break button if there is no module to support this feature [#1345660] by michal_cksource: Enable the Drupal Breaks plugin by default [#1341988] by michal_cksource: CSS rule to hide the toolbar can hide more than is expected [#1334518] by michal_cksource: Unable to hide CKEditor on views edit pages by defining a path [#1333882] by michal_cksource: Cannot select any toolbars [#1334064] by dczepierga: Changes in the "ckeditor_load_plugins" function ----------------------------- 2011-11-04 New stable release: 6.x-1.8 ----------------------------- Bug fixes: [#1327818] by michal_cksource: Fix to edit settings [#1326660] by michal_cksource: Fix for "Rewrite the output of this field" (Views option) [#1329166] by michal_cksource: Fix Notice: Undefined index: ckeditor_allow_download_private_files in ckeditor.module [#1325926] by michal_cksource: Fix jQuery support problems [#1327196] by michal_cksource: Fix popup window no longer available ----------------------------- 2011-10-28 New stable release: 6.x-1.7 ----------------------------- New features: [#1308426] by duozersk: Add plugin to count symbols and words inside CKEditor [#1297774] by dczepierga: Add Drag & Drop toolbar configuration [#1294394] by dczepierga: Add multi toolbar configuration, and different settings for each profile Bug fixes: [#1278062] by dczepierga: Allow security filters to run their 'prepare' code before 'process' [#1319668] by michal_cksource: Correct language list in the CKEditor profile configuration [#963208] by michal_cksource: Fix for CKEditor implementation of hook_file_download globally undermines private file download system [#1314262] by michal_cksource: Fix for invalid link in CKEditor profile [#1311926] by dczepierga: Add jquery_ui support to the Drag & Drop toolbar configuration [#1310390] by dczepierga: Fix for undefined CKEDITOR_FORCE_SIMPLE_TOOLBAR_NAME name [#1310298] by dczepierga: Fix Notice: Undefined index: default in ckeditor_admin_profile_form() - when editing CKEditor profile [#1296804] by michal_cksource: Add patch for Tabledrag compatibility [#1300140] by michal_cksource: Correct messages and add language fixes [#1298302] by dczepierga: Fix to call to undefined function ckeditor_load_toolbar_options() [#1297570] by dczepierga: Add sorting to the profiles list [#1297090] by AlexisWilke: Fix E_NOTICE when calling $conf['ckeditor_load_method'] in module file [#1286192] by dczepierga: Fix for CKEditor support to Imagefield module textareas [#1288664] by dczepierga: Fix for CKEditor is not working in Views header and footer text areas [#1289218] by dczepierga: Disable Linktocontent and IMCE module selection if these modules are not installed [#1269544] by dczepierga: Call to undefined function ckeditor_plugins_path() when try to update module ----------------------------- 2011-08-30 New stable release: 6.x-1.6 ----------------------------- --2011-08-25 - [#1248532] by dczepierga: Replace static paths to plugins in the database with dynamic paths --2011-08-16 - [#1063458] by tobykilroy: 'CKEDITOR' is not defined - problem with ckeditor.styles.js --2011-08-11 - [#1224726] by dczepierga: Use either underscores or hyphens for excluding/including, not both --2011-08-10 - [#1243616] by dczepierga: "Custom JavaScript configuration" field description is wrong --2011-08-02 - [#1234274] by GDI: Drupal Pagebreak button not showing - [#1211554] by dczepierga: Bug with CKFinder path when CKEditor is in the libraries directory --2011-07-14 - [#1216458] by dczepierga: Rewrite the loading of CKEditor libraries files --2011-07-12 - [#1216096] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - semicolon problem --2011-07-08 - [#1191634] by ptoly: CKEditor: Using LESS file instead of CSS for custom editor stylesheet --2011-06-30 - [#1204786] by dczepierga: Bug in custom JavaScript configuration - editor not showing in some cases --2011-06-28 - [#1202508] by dczepierga: Fix warning: array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer in ckeditor.module ----------------------------- 2011-06-28 New stable release: 6.x-1.5 ----------------------------- --2011-06-27 - [#1177132] by tangent: Add SCAYT spelling language to match node language --2011-06-20 - [#1192676] by dczepierga: Fix is_dir() function error and broken pagebreak button - [#1193978] by dczepierga: Cleanup CKEditor config file from plugins definitions ----------------------------- 2011-06-16 New stable release: 6.x-1.4 ----------------------------- --2011-06-16 - [#1190280] by dczepierga: Add configuration option for setting CKEditor's plugins directory --2011-06-14 - [#1080270] by RolandK: Not formatting text between code tags --2011-06-13 - [#975746] by dczepierga: Handling arrays in the "Custom javascript configuration" --2011-06-10 - [#1184792] by anrikun: Move CKEditor module to "User interface" package --2011-06-09 - [#1177062] by neclimdul: Fix broken teasers for long paragraphs --2011-06-06 - [#1179912] by dczepierga: Add hook to register plugin - [#1179766] by dczepierga: Fix calling undefined index: "loadPlugins" in ckeditor_admin_values_to_settings() --2011-06-02 - [#1174144] by dczepierga: Add plugins managment in profile settings --2011-05-24 - [#1167034] by dczepierga: Add tableresize plugin support for CKEditor library >= 3.6 - [#1166984] by dczepierga: Correct CKEditor simple toolbar - [#1166972] by dczepierga: Remove bullets from drop-down lists (Format, Font, etc.) in CKEditor on Garland theme - [#1166936] by dczepierga: Update User Guide link --2011-05-23 - [#1165870] by dczepierga: Improve manual selection of the user interface color -- 2011-05-17 - [#1095908] by dczepierga: Add Google PageSpeed and Drupal JS/CSS aggregation support -- 2011-04-21 - [#1117548] by dczepierga: Add HTML Entities configurable option in each profile -- 2011-03-29 - [#738270] Add support for theme name in include/exclude in editor profile configuration - [#1108900] by dczepierga: Add a warning message when the wysiwyg module is enabled in Drupal 6 -- 2011-03-28 - [#1102518] by dczepierga: Fix for editing blocks, now the second field is not modified -- 2011-03-25 - [#758936] by Diogenes: Add automatic setting of the CKFinder library path based on CKEditor library path -- 2011-03-24 - [#1103872] by dczepierga: Change "ckeditor.make" name to "ckeditor.make.example" for drush make module -- 2011-03-23 - [#1099748] by tbfisher: Fix drush make error when building a site with CKEditor -- 2011-03-18 - [#763978] by gaellafond: Fix to work with "Drupal.settings.ckeditor.theme" value when using multiple instances -- 2011-03-17 - [#1095174] by draenen: Fix to prevent calling "Toggle rich text link" multiple times - [#1094960] by tobey_p: Fix to display CKEditor in Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 ----------------------------- 2011-03-17 New stable release: 6.x-1.3 ----------------------------- -- 2011-03-16 - [#1050118] by dczepierga: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines Improve syntax with Coder module -- 2011-03-15 - [#1050118] by dczepierga: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines -- 2011-02-22 - [#960576] by rjacobs: Add loading ckeditor.css from theme -- 2011-02-21 - [#1068026] by dczepierga: Added support for CKEditor Link (http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor_link) module - [#695264] by dczepierga: Added support for CKEditor SWF (http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor_swf) module -- 2011-02-17 - [#1037882] by dczepierga: Add admin/build/views/* to 'Fields to exclude/include' section in Global Profile - [#1050118] by jcisio: Added better support for Line break converter. CKEditor is now able to load properly content where new line characters were used to create new lines -- 2011-02-15 - [#906846] by jcisio: Support the Features module API (http://drupal.org/project/features) to allow bundling of CKEditor's visibility settings -- 2011-02-14 - [#969486] by dczepierga: Added support for elFinder (http://drupal.org/project/elfinder) file manager support -- 2011-02-04 - [#1011178] by dczepierga: Added support for the 'drush make' command -- 2011-01-25 - [#1019950] by dczepierga: CKEditor Will Not Load - remove CKEditor is not defined - [#1022208] by dczepierga: 'Send to rich text editor' fails with latest WebFM -- 2011-01-24 - [#751672] by dczepierga: Table top border creates unwanted borderline -- 2011-01-20 - [#1015822] by dczepierga: IMCE button in not visible in toolbar with CKEditor 3.5 -- 2011-01-17 - [#940376] by dczepierga: Added schema version 6202 from FCKeditor module during migration - [#964556] by jcisio: Fix Drupal.ckeditorCompareVersion does not check properly version number -- 2011-01-13 - [#921826] by dczepierga: CKEditor indenting and aligning problems - [#865710] by dczepierga: Provide a " Drupal.ckeditorActiveId" variable for tracking the active editor -- 2010-10-11 - [#935566] by altavis: Added Media Embed translation ----------------------------- 2010-09-29 New stable release: 6.x-1.2 ----------------------------- -- 2010-09-27 - [#924020] by dczepierga: Add BiDi buttons to toolbar as default - [#818378] by ahwebd&fmjrey: Not all css files are loaded -- 2010-09-15 - [#738474] by dczepierga: Cannot edit or delete poorly named profile that include forward slashes - [#742160] by dczepierga: warning: strtok() expects parameter 1 to be string in ckeditor.page.inc - [#772396] by jcisio: Put ckeditor.utils.js in header for better aggregation -- 2010-06-18 - [#827238]: README.txt should include the information about sites/all/libraries/ - [#824918]: Disabling, enabling Scayt -- 2010-06-16 - [#822948]: Fixed: Migrating from fckeditor to ckeditor causes postgresql error - [#725086] by Dmitriy.trt: Fixed CKEditor does not appear on windows with non-empty window.opener -- 2010-06-14 - [#814970]: Fixed: Teaser break not working with CKEditor 3.3 -- 2010-05-07 - [#776026]: Fixed: output default values are kept when editing a ckeditor profile -- 2010-05-06 - [#772134]: Avoid Javascript Caching of editor CSS -- 2010-03-30 - [#756516] by kosilka: mistake in variable name -- 2010-03-22 - [#741572] Fixed compatibility with the Ajax module -- 2010-03-15 - [#742662] Fixed Notices Undefined index: language_direction and forcePasteAsPlainText - [#742680] Fixed Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$name - [#742244] Fixed Creating a CKEditor Profile makes editor disappear ----------------------------- 2010-03-11 New stable release: 6.x-1.1 ----------------------------- -- 2010-03-10 - [#674454] Changed drush command name -- 2010-03-09 - [#736786] by irakli: CKEditor is incompatible with Installation profiles -- 2010-03-06 - [#732264] Fixed ckeditor dialog when editor is running in modal window from ctools -- 2010-03-05 - [#733512] Fixed editing area size -- 2010-03-04 - [#731086] Notice: Undefined index: #rows / #value - [#703960] by hinanui: The CKEditor fails to load sporadically if the teaser of the node is empty - [#703428] Add forcePasteAsPlainText to CKEditor profile - [#707878] Add output formatting - [#725880] RTL solution for editor -- 2010-03-02 - [#729142] Notice: Undefined variable: filebroswer in ckeditor.module on line 703 - [#728212] by morningtime: Looks for contents.css in wrong location - [#679976] support Panels - [#721914] Opening IMCE window without Image Dialog -- 2010-03-01 - [#716274] Clone Profile incompatible with PCRE <7.0 -- 2010-02-17 - [#651616] by FrankT: added German translation - [#707370] support Tinybrowser -- 2010-02-16 - [#651616] by samuelsan: added Spanish translation - [#713804] by thebuckst0p: Fixed migration from fckeditor (doesn't respect DB prefix for fckeditor_role) -- 2010-02-03 - [#651616] by chmoindron: added French translation - [#703316] Advanced settings are broken in the dev release - [#695474] by jeeba: Fixed warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ckeditor.module line 998 - [#694082] by FrankT: Fixed string issues -- 2010-01-25 - [#692558] by J0nathan: Fixed problem with adding boolean values into "Custom javascript configuration -- 2010-01-15 - Added current instance tracking in javascript for easier integration with other module (Drupal.ckeditorInstance) - Added Drupal.ckeditorInsertHtml function - [#686024] by Grizz: Fixed errors in CSS file ------------------------------ 2010-01-14 First stable release: 6.x-1.0 ------------------------------ -- 2010-01-14 - [#680798] Improved compatibility with NewsFlash theme -- 2010-01-12 - [#680202] Fixed: image preview not working in IE8 - [#664488] Fixed: CKEditor grabs initial focus in IE -- 2010-01-08 - [#665108] Fixed: CKeditor Show summary in full view checkbox always checked in editing mode -- 2010-01-06 - [#674454] by Dave Reid: Add drush integration to download the CKEditor library. -- 2009-12-23 - [#659278], [#666560], [#666616] Teaser buttons were missing when teasers were disabled by other modules -- 2009-12-22 - [#663228] Fixed: Link to node not working properly - [#665108] Fixed: CKeditor hide "Show summary in full view" checkbox - [#662590] Fixed: If more than one editor css file set in "Edit CKEditor profile" > "Define CSS path", then none are used - Improvements in MediaEmbed plugin -- 2009-12-17 - [#654626] Fixed PHP notice (Undefined offset in ckeditor_get_nodetype) -- 2009-12-16 - Fixed names of 'NumberedList' and 'BulletedList' buttons in Basic Toolbar - [#656570] Fixed problems with missing ckeditor.styles.js - [#654626] Fixed PHP notices "Undefined index: simple_incl, excl" - Fixed double slash in path to break and teaserbreak button images -- 2009-12-15 - [#659314] Fixed name of Format button in Basic Toolbar -- 2009-12-10 - Added MediaEmbed plugin - [#652274] Fixed: Error Message from Color module with CKEditor - [#653498] Fixed: Empty teasers when editing content - [#651904] Fixed: CKEditor Widens Beyond content area when Resized - [#652570] Fixed: Force simple toolbar doesn't work ------------------------------------------- 2009-12-05 First public (beta) release: 6.x-1.0-beta1 ------------------------------------------- -- 2009-10-05 - Created initial dev version of the CKEditor module